Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in Japan | Japan female internet users researching items from TV by age 2016

Japan: frequency of female internet users researching items from TV 2016, by age

Frequency of female internet users in Japan researching items they have seen on TV as of July 2016, by age

The data shows information about the frequency with which female internet users in Japan used the internet to research items they had seen on TV as of July 2016, by age. During the survey period, it was found that 44.6% of female internet users between 20 and 29 years old occasionally used the internet to research items they had seen on TV.

Frequently 30.3 25.7 22.4 22.9 16.8 23.7
Occasionally 44.6 48.1 52.7 54.9 64.6 51.8
Rarely 6.3 7.4 9.3 8.3 10.6 8.5
Never 6.9 7.6 6.6 6.5 6.2 6.9
No response/unsure 11.9 11.2 9 7.4 1.8 9.1