Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in Japan | Asia Pacific: daily social media usage 2015

Average daily social media usage in Asia Pacific 2015

Average duration of daily social media usage in Asia Pacific as of 4th quarter 2015, by country (in hours)

The above statistic gives information on the average duration of daily social media usage in Asia Pacific as of the fourth quarter of 2015. During that period of time, the average duration of daily social media usage in South Korea was 1.1 hours. The Philippines were ranked first with an internet user engagement of 3.7 hours per day.

Philippines 3.7
Malaysia 3
Thailand 2.9
Indonesia 2.9
India 2.3
Vietnam 2.3
Singapore 1.6
Hong Kong 1.5
China 1.5
Australia 1.2
South Korea 1.1
Japan 0.3