Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in Japan | Rakuten: quarterly domestic gross transaction value 2016

Rakuten Group's quarterly domestic gross transaction value 2010-2016

Rakuten Group's domestic gross transaction value from 1st quarter 2010 to 3rd quarter 2016 (in billion yen)

The time series shows the domestic gross transaction value of the Rakuten Group. In the third quarter of 2016, the Tokyo-based e-commerce company's domestic gross transaction value amounted to 2.2 trillion yen, with more than half of which was generated through e-money Edy and credit cards. The remaining transaction value was accumulated via travel and domestic e-commerce sales.

Q1 '10 590.6
Q2 '10 652.6
Q3 '10 686.4
Q4 '10 776.3
Q1 '11 732.1
Q2 '11 811.1
Q3 '11 850.2
Q4 '11 923.5
Q1 '12 907.3
Q2 '12 989.2
Q3 '12 1014.5
Q4 '12 1128.2
Q1 '13 1120.4
Q2 '13 1242.5
Q3 '13 1257.9
Q4 '13 1464.7
Q1 '14 1490.8
Q2 '14 1446.2
Q3 '14 1550.9
Q4 '14 1741.2
Q1 '15 1669.6
Q2 '15 1787.2
Q3 '15 1877.1
Q4 '15 2049.7
Q1 '16 1991.7
Q2 '16 2109.7
Q3 '16 2197