Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Alcoholic beverage retailers in the Nordic countries | Sweden: number of Systembolaget stores and agents, by province 2017

Number of Systembolaget stores and agents in Sweden 2017, by province

Number of Systembolaget stores and agents in Sweden as of October 2017, by province

The data displays the number of Systembolaget stores and agents in Sweden as of October 2017, by province. That time, the number of Systembolaget stores was highest in Stockholm and amounted to 81 stores, followed by Västra Götaland with 72 stores of the government-owned chain of liquor stores. In the province Skåne, there were 49 Systembolaget stores.

Stockholm 81 21
Västra Götaland 72 33
Skåne 49 20
Västerbotten 19 34
Värmland 18 27
Östergötland 18 25
Dalarna 18 26
Jönköping 16 12
Örebro 15 5
Norrbotten 15 34
Kalmar 14 24
Södermanland 14 11
Uppsala 13 19
Västmanland 13 5
Gävleborg 12 25
Jämtland 11 44
Västernorrland 11 32
Kronoberg 10 21
Halland 10 13
Blekinge 6 10
Gotland 3 7