Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in South Korea | South Korea: most popular Facebook pages 2018

Most popular celebrities on Facebook from South Korea 2018, ranked by number of fans

Most popular celebrities on Facebook from South Korea as of March 2018, ranked by number of fans (in millions)

The data displays the most popular Facebook pages of celebrities from South Korea as of March 2018. As of that month, Lee Minho, the famous Korean actor, had about 17.51 million Facebook fans worldwide.

Lee Minho (이민호) 17.51
PSY 11.24
2NE1 9.29
슈퍼주니어(Super Junior) 7.91
EXO 7.4
소녀시대(Girls' Generation) 7.35
BTS 6.17
샤이니(SHINee) 5.99