Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in the United States | Daily U.S. online activities by age group 2017

Daily online activities of adult U.S. internet users 2017, by age

Most popular daily online activities of adult internet users in the United States as of February 2017, by age group

The data displays the typical daily online activities of internet users in the U.S. as of February 2017, sorted by age group. During the survey period, 50% of respondents aged 18 to 29 years checked the weather online on a daily basis.

Buy a product online 49 49 41
Buy or make a reservation for travel 13 22 15
Check weather reports and forecasts online 50 57 61
Do any banking online 49 55 55
Get news online 57 64 58
Look for news and information about politics 29 39 40
Participate in an online auction 12 11 8
Send instant messages 49 43 24
Send or read e-mail 77 86 91
Use a search engine to find information 67 72 70
Use a social networking site 74 67 49
Use classified ads sites like Craigslist 16 17 12
Watch a video on a video-sharing site 55 40 20
None of the above 1 1 2
I don’t use the Internet 0 1 0