Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage of Generation X in the United States | U.S. monthly time spent on computer internet access by age 2017

U.S. monthly time spent on internet access via computer 2014-2017, by age

Monthly time spent by U.S. users accessing the internet via computer as of 2nd quarter 2017, by age group (in minutes)

The data describes the weekly time spent by U.S. users accessing the internet via computer, sorted by age group. During the second quarter of 2017, it was found that online users aged 18 to 24 years spent an average of 1,481 minutes online via PC per month.

Q4 '14 266 441 1952 2048 2260 1985 1453 1784
Q1 '15 239 449 1888 2019 2240 2158 1591 1836
Q2 '15 252 458 1731 2051 2052 2044 1464 1742
Q3 '15 309 579 2105 2781 2519 2447 1703 2155
Q4 '15 297 554 2363 2702 2725 2978 1904 2257
Q1 '16 284 483 2185 2951 2851 2728 1981 2370
Q2 '16 277 465 2094 2891 2849 2822 1922 2375
Q3 '16 291 457 2064 2774 3096 2914 2001 2462
Q4 '16 278 436 2147 2689 3237 2833 2049 2474
Q1 '17 285 421 1979 2737 3236 2892 2188 2506
Q2 '17 254 417 1481 2266 2808 2591 2018 2186