Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage of teenagers in the United States | U.S. monthly time spent on online video by age 2017

U.S. monthly time spent on online video 2014-2017, by age

Monthly time spent by U.S. users watching online video via computer as of 2nd quarter 2017, by age group (in minutes)

The data describes the monthly time spent by U.S. users watching videos online via computer, sorted by age group. During the second quarter of 2017, it was found that online users aged 18 to 24 years spent an average of 2,055 minutes consuming online videos via PC per month.

Q4 '14 326 338 958 885 736 533 303 629
Q1 '15 471 399 1141 999 835 612 401 733
Q2 '15 558 509 1118 1050 837 651 342 756
Q3 '15 620 632 1109 1047 822 608 377 748
Q4 '15 647 691 1242 1183 943 605 407 815
Q1 '16 850 807 1488 1612 1087 735 452 998
Q2 '16 916 778 1522 1567 1097 805 456 1017
Q3 '16 1087 838 1504 1579 1123 915 437 1059
Q4 '16 913 768 1949 1660 1335 884 499 1162
Q1 '17 1002 835 2226 1904 1577 980 573 1330
Q2 '17 1063 886 2055 2007 1855 988 598 1411