Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage worldwide | Global time spent on social media daily 2017

Average daily time spent on social media worldwide 2012-2017

Daily time spent on social networking by internet users worldwide from 2012 to 2017 (in minutes)

The data displays the average daily usage of social media worldwide. As of 2017, daily social media usage of global internet users amounted to 135 minutes per day, up from 126 daily minutes in the previous year.

Further information Global social networking audiences surpassed 2 billion users in 2016. The most popular social network worldwide is Facebook; with 1.86 billion monthly active users by the end of 2016. Other popular social networks include WeChat, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Sina Weibo. Some mobile messaging apps such as LINE or Kakaotalk have transformed into social platforms by including profile timelines and games reminiscent of traditional social networks.

2012 90
2013 95
2014 101
2015 109
2016 126
2017 135