Internet » Demographics & Use » Men and women online | U.S. online shopping categories by gender 2016

U.S. online shopping product categories 2016, by gender

Leading product categories bought online among internet users in the United States as of June 2016, by gender

The data describes popular online shopping categories in the U.S., sorted by gender. During a June 2016 survey, it was found that 57% of female respondents had purchased clothing online. A total of 39% of male respondents had bought clothing via internet. Fashion and apparel e-retail sales were also especially popular with Millennial online shoppers. Clothing and fashion was also the most popular online shopping category for which online users utilized online coupons - a survey of coupon users in August 2016 found that 73% of female and 61% of male users did so for digital fashion purchases.

Clothing or shoes 39 57
Beauty/personal care products (hair, skin and babycare) 22 46
Food items 37 30
Nonfood household care products (cleaning products, paper products, tissues, laundry detergent etc) 21 22
Consumer electronics (computers, smartphones etc) 25 17
Petcare products 15 23
Babycare products (diapers, wipes etc) 7 10
Any of these 63 73
None of these 37 27