Internet » Demographics & Use » Mobile social media usage in the United States | Instagram: most-followed travel influencers U.S. 2018

Most popular travel influencers on Instagram in the United States 2018

Most-followed travel influencers on Instagram in the United States as of January 2018

The data describes a ranking of the most popular travel influencers in the U.S. on Instagram as of January 2018, sorted by the number of followers. Photographer Chris Burkard was the most-followed U.S. travel influencer on the photo sharing app with close to 3 million followers. Burkard has also released several books and films.

chrisburkard (Chris Burkard) 2953443
newyorkcity (Liz Eswein) 1387016
thiswildidea (Theoron Humphrey) 1288902
colerise (Cole Rise) 895342
adamsenatori (Adam Senatori) 813254
pketron (Pei Ketron) 803157
travisburkephotography (Travis Burke) 730123
sam_kolder (Sam Kølder) 711955
pedromcbride (Pete McBride) 669205
robstrok (Robert Strok) 652950