Internet » Demographics & Use » Parents online | U.S. child technology usage impact on life 2015

U.S. child technology usage impact on life 2015

Impact of child's technology usage on selected areas of their life according to parents in the United States as of October 2015

The data describes the perceived impact of child's technology usage on selected areas of their life according to parents in the U.S. During the October 2015 survey, 89% of respondents felt that their child's technology usage had a positive impact on their child's ability to research and find information.

Your child's technology skills 92 2
Your child's ability to research and find information 89 3
Your child's future, career, and life skills 78 6
Your child's creativity 64 11
Your child's performance in school 58 12
Your child's communication skills 55 18
Your child's social relationships with friends 51 16
Your child's ability to make new friends 47 14
Your child's relationships with grandparents and older family members 46 18
Your relationship with your child 44 14
Your child's ability to interact and engage with people in person 41 28
Your child's behavior 37 20
Your child's attention span 36 30
Your child's level of physical activity and fitness 27 44