Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Alcoholic beverage retailers in the Nordic countries | Iceland: operating revenue of Vínbúðin by business 2016

Operating revenue of Vínbúðin in Iceland 2016, by business

Operating revenue of Vínbúðin in Iceland in 2016, by business (in million ISK)

The data displays the operating revenue of Vínbúðin in Iceland in 2016, by business. That year, the state-run chain Vínbúðin generated a revenue of roughly 24 billion Icelandic krónur with the sale of alcohol. Tobacco sales amounted to approx. 9 billion krónur. The total revenue of Vínbúðin in 2016 was a little over 33 billion Icelandic krónur.

Alcohol sales 23647
Tobacco sales 9335
Packaging and other sales 77
Total 33058