Internet » Demographics & Use » U.S. Millennials: Internet usage and Online Shopping | U.S. online review usage frequency new purchases by age 2017

U.S. online review usage frequency prior to new product purchase 2017, by age group

Frequency of consumers in the United States reading online reviews before purchasing a new product as of April 2017, by age group

The data describes the frequency of online review usage before purchasing a new product according to consumers in the U.S., sorted by age group. During the April 2017 survey, 50% of respondents aged 25 to 34 years stated that they looked up reviews online most of the time before making a new purchase.

25-34 years 27 50 19 3 1
35-44 years 15 47 26 10 2
45-54 years 17 41 17 19 7
55-64 years 13 37 12 28 9
65+ years 11 30 17 27 15