Internet » Mobile Internet & Apps » Gaming monetization | Global monthly in-app gaming spend by platform 2016

Monthly in-app gaming spend per user 2016, by platform

Monthly average in-app purchase amount per gaming app user worldwide as of May 2016, by platform (in USD)

The data displays the monthly average in-app purchase amount spent per gaming app user worldwide as of May 2016, by platform. It was found that Android device owners spent an average of 5.53 USD making in-app gaming purchases, compared to the 10.96 USD spent by iOS device owners.

In-game purchasing – additional information In-game purchases have become one of the fastest growing monetization methods for game and gaming app makers in recent years. In-game consumer spending worldwide amounted to 22 billion USD in 2015 and is projected to increase by 45% to 32 billion USD in 2020.

Total 7
Android 5.53
iOS 10.96