Most sold brewery products in Alko in Finland 2016, by sales volume

Most sold brewed alcoholic beverages in Alko stores in Finland in 2016, by sales volume (in 1,000 liters)

The data displays the most sold brewed alcoholic beverages in Alko stores in Finland in 2016, by sales volume. In that year, Original Long Drink was the most sold beverage in the category of brewery products in the stores of Alko, the country's national alcohol retailer. Original Long Drink is produced by the Finnish beverage manufacturer Hartwall and contains a mix of Finnish premium gin and grapefruit soda. Originally developed for the Summer Olympics held in Helsinki in 1952, over three million liters of Original Long Drink were sold in the year 2016.

Original Long Drink 3181
Olvi Tuplapukki 1130
Karhu A 1105
Olvi Export A 764
Sandels A 644
Karhu Tosi Vahva 520
Original Long Drink Strong 495
Original Long Drink Light 429
Lapin Kulta A 295
Karjala A 278