Most sold red wines in Alko in Finland 2017, by sales volume

Most sold red wines in Alko stores in Finland in 2017, by sales volume (in 1,000 liters)

The data displays the most sold red wines in Alko stores in Finland in 2017, by sales volume. In that year, the red wine product Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon was the most sold product in the category of red wines in the stores of Alko, the country's national alcohol retailer. The sales volume of Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon amounted to roughly 590 thousand liters. The next most sold red wine was a Chilean red wine from a brand called Viña Maipo, also based on the Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety. In 2017, roughly 504 thousand liters of Viña Maipo Cabernet Sauvignon were sold in Alko stores in Finland.

Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon 590
Viña Maipo Cabernet Sauvignon 504
J.P. Chenet Cabernet Syrah 437
Espíritu de Chile Cabernet Carmenère 429
Piqueras Syrah Monastrell 353
Tarapacá Santa Cecilia Merlot Carmenère 331
Quinta das Setencostas 283
Frontera Cabernet Sauvignon 280
Antiche Terre Solo Passione Rosso 275
Chill Out Smooth & Soft Cabernet Sauvignon 271