Most sold white wines in Alko in Finland 2017, by sales volume

Most sold white wines in Alko stores in Finland in 2017, by sales volume (in 1,000 liters)

The data displays the most sold white wines in Alko stores in Finland in 2017, by sales volume. In that year, the white wine product Pearly Bay Dry White was the most sold in the category of white wines in the stores of Alko, the country's national alcohol retailer. The sales volume of Pearly Bay dry white wine amounted to roughly 750 thousand liters. The next most sold white wine was Gato Negro Sauvignon Blanc. In 2017, roughly 749 thousand liters of this wine were sold in Alko stores in Finland.

Pearly Bay Dry White 750
Gato Negro Sauvignon Blanc 749
Magyar Fehér Bor 539
St. Elmo Village 524
Viña Maipo Chardonnay 492
Chill Out Fresh & Fruity 391
Frontera Chardonnay 348
Devil's Rock Riesling 347
Gato Negro Chardonnay 347
Two Oceans Fresh & Fruity White 343