Most sold vodkas and spirits in Alko in Finland 2017, by sales volume

Most sold vodka and spirits products in Alko stores in Finland in 2017, by sales volume (in 1,000 liters)

The data displays the most sold vodka and spirits products in Alko stores in Finland in 2017, by sales volume. In that year, the Finnish spirit product Leijona Viina was the most sold product in the category of vodka and spirits beverages in the stores of Alko, the country's national alcohol retailer. The sales volume of Leijona Viina amounted to over three million liters. The next most sold alcoholic beverage was another spirits brand called Koskenkorva Viina with a sales volume of 2.76 million liters.

Leijona Viina 3017
Koskenkorva Viina 2761
Suomi Viina 2109
Tapio Viina 915
Jaloviina 591
Koskenkorva Viina 30% 575
Sisuviina 392
Dry Vodka 385
Saunalahden Viina 288