Internet » Mobile Internet & Apps » Mobile app usage | U.S. mobile app usage frequency by type 2017

App usage frequency in the United States 2017, by type

Mobile app usage frequency according to smartphone users in the United States as of May 2017, by type

The data shows the mobile app usage frequency according to smartphone users in the U.S. as of May 2017, sorted by type of app. During the survey period, it was found that 72% of respondents accessed news apps at least once a day. Gaming apps had the highest daily user engagement rate with 80% of respondents checking them at least once a day.

6 times a day or more (net) 15 16 13 8
At least once a day (net) 80 73 68 72
At least once a week (net) 97 94 94 91
At least once a month (net) 99 97 98 93
Less often than once a day (net) 20 27 32 28