Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Alcoholic beverage retailers in the Nordic countries | Faroe Islands: sales volume of beverages in Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins by type 2016

Beverages sales volume in Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins in the Faroe Islands 2016, by type

Sales volume of beverages in Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins stores in the Faroe Islands in 2016, by type (in liters)

The data displays the sales volume of beverages in Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins stores in the Faroe Islands in 2016, by type. Rúsdrekkasøla Landsins is the Faroese government owned and regulated alcoholic beverage retailer. In 2016, the most sold beverages was beer, with a volume of roughly one million liters. Only 2.2 thousand liters of non-alcoholic drinks was sold in the stores of the chain.

Beer 1086767
Wine and cider 541097
Spirits 273873
Fortified wine 9555
Non-alcoholic 2268
Total 1913560