Internet » Mobile Internet & Apps » Mobile internet usage in the United States | Wireless subscriber connections United States 1985-2017

Mobile wireless subscriber connections in the United States 1985-2017

Number of mobile wireless subscriber connections in the United States from 1985 to 2017 (in millions)

The data displays the estimated number of mobile wireless subscriber connections in the U.S. between 1985 and 2017. The total number of mobile wireless connections in the U.S. in 2017 was at 400.21 million.

'85 0.34
'86 0.68
'87 1.23
'88 2.07
'89 3.51
'90 5.28
'91 7.56
'92 11.03
'93 16.01
'94 24.13
'95 33.79
'96 44.04
'97 55.31
'98 69.21
'99 86.05
'00 109.48
'01 128.37
'02 140.77
'03 158.72
'04 182.14
'05 207.9
'06 233.04
'07 255.4
'08 270.33
'09 285.65
'10 296.29
'11 315.96
'12 326.48
'13 335.65
'14 355.45
'15 377.92
'16 395.88
'17 400.21