Internet » Mobile Internet & Apps » Mobile internet usage worldwide | Trustworthy mobile app attributes 2017

Leading trustworthy attributes of mobile apps and services worldwide 2017

Most popular attributes that makes a mobile app or service trustworthy according to global smartphone users as of July 2017

The data shows the most common attributes that makes a mobile app or service trustworthy according to smartphone users as of July 2017. During the survey period, 33% of respondents stated that a clear simple privacy statement was a trustworthy attribute for mobile app or service. Additionally, 32% of respondents reported that brand recognition was another trustworthy attribute.

Clear simple privacy statement 33
Brand recognition 32
Positive media coverage/reviews 29
Recommendation from friends or family 27
Length of time in the market 20
The ability to message or speak to someone 19
Public service 17
A trusted kitemark 16