Worldwide mobile video play share 2013-2018

Mobile share of global digital video plays from 3rd quarter 2013 to 1st quarter 2018

The data describes the mobile share of global digital video plays as of the first quarter of 2018. During the last reported quarter, mobile accounted for 58% of online video views, up from 56.5% of the corresponding quarter in the previous year.

Q3 '13 14
Q4 '13 17
Q1 '14 21
Q2 '14 25
Q3 '14 30
Q4 '14 34
Q1 '15 42
Q2 '15 44
Q3 '15 45
Q4 '15 46
Q1 '16 48
Q2 '16 51
Q3 '16 52
Q4 '16 54
Q1 '17 56.5
Q2 '17 56.7
Q3 '17 58.3
Q4 '17 60.3
Q1 '18 58