Internet » Mobile Internet & Apps » Online shopping behavior in the United States | U.S. consumer reasons more expensive option 2017

U.S. online shopper reasons in switching towards a higher priced item 2017

Between similar products online, which of the following has driven you to pay for a higher priced option?

The data describes the most common reasons for online shoppers in the U.S. to switch towards a higher priced option between similar online products in 2017. According to the survey findings, 35% of surveyed consumers stated that they made the switch to a higher priced option between two similar products, when one product had better reviews compared to other.

Better reviews 35
A brand name you trust 23
Reduced shipping cost 11
Product information answered your questions 9
No-hassle returns 8
A product you've heard about from others 7
Quicker delivery 5
Better product imagery or videos 2