Internet » Mobile Internet & Apps » Online video in Europe | Visitors to selected video streaming sites in the UK 2012-2014

Number of visitors to selected TV and film streaming sites in the United Kingdom 2012-2014

Number of unique visitors to selected TV and film streaming websites in the United Kingdom from April 2012 to April 2014 (in 1,000 visitors)

The data displays the number of unique visitors to selected TV and film streaming websites in the UK from April 2012 to April 2014. In April 2014, Lovefilm sites had 738 thousand unique visitors.

Sky Go 884 2769 3944 1205 1636 2508 2847 3930 370 623 486 896
Lovefilm sites 1807 2467 1764 1892 738 705 616 865 1023 670