Internet » Online Video & Entertainment » (Online) gaming in the Benelux | Belgium: PC/laptop gamer age and gender 2017

Age and gender distribution of PC/laptop gamers in Belgium 2017

Distribution of the total number of active PC/laptop gamers in Belgium in 2017, by age and gender

The data displays the distribution of the total number of active PC/laptop gamers in Belgium in 2017, by age and gender. As of 2017, men aged between 21 to 35 years old accounted for approx. 23% of all PC gamers in Belgium. In addition, the source mentions there were around 4.2 million gamers, both console as well PC/laptop, in the country in 2017. No numbers were provided, though, on console gamers.

10-20 years 13 9
21-35 years 23 10
36-50 years 18 11
51-65 years 7 9