The information, based on data provided by Parrot Analytics, shows a ranking of the most popular television shows based on audience demand in the U.S. from August 12 to August 18, 2018. In the presented period, 'Spongebob Squarepants' was the most in-demand TV show in the U.S., with approx. 58.76 million average demand expressions. 'America's Got Talent' and 'American Horror Story' ranked second and third, with 52.46 million and 47.64 million average demand expressions respectively.
Spongebob Squarepants | 58.76 |
America's Got Talent | 52.46 |
American Horror Story | 47.64 |
The Walking Dead | 45.47 |
The Flash | 43.75 |
Game Of Thrones | 43.02 |
Orange Is The New Black | 42.26 |
My Hero Academia | 41.36 |
The Office | 39.79 |
WWE Monday Night Raw | 38.07 |