Internet » Online Video & Entertainment » eSports market | Number of selected brand mentions among eSports influencers 2016

Number of brand mentions among eSports influencers worldwide 2015-2016

Number of mentions of selected brands by major eSports social media influencers worldwide in 2015 and 2016

The data describes the number of mentions of selected brands by major eSports social media influencers worldwide in 2015 and 2016. it was discovered that the Samsung brand was mentioned 730 times by the top influencers within the eSports community in 2016, as compared to 2.59 thousand mentions a year earlier.

Microsoft 2190 3320
Playstation 1120 3020
Samsung 730 2590
Intel 930 2490
Nintendo 1190 2350
Razer 1460 1890
Sony 970 1820
Acer 750 1280
Monster 1510 1160
Red Bull 500 800
HyperX 0 760
Logitech 260 700
Gamestop 180 290
Geico 40 150
Nissan 60 140
McDonalds 40 130
Doritos 60 100
Mountain Dew 30 80
Snickers 40 60
MasterCard 30 50
Vodaphone 0 10
Duracell 10 10