Internet » Online Video & Entertainment » Home video | Time spent using a DVD/Blu-ray device in the U.S. by income 2015

Time spent using a DVD/Blu-ray device in the United States 2015, by income

Monthly time spent using a DVD/Blu-ray device in the United States in 3rd quarter 2015, by household income (in minutes)

The data displays the monthly time spent using a DVD/Blu-ray device in the U.S. in the third quarter 2015, by household income. Consumers from households with an annual income of 75 thousand or higher spent 436 minutes (or 7 hours and 16 minutes) using a DVD/Blu-ray device monthly in the presented time period.

Under $25,000 960
$25,000-$50,000 696
$50,000-$75,000 566
$75,000+ 436