Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Alcoholic Beverages Industry | Distilled spirits consumption worldwide by country, 2015

Global consumption of distilled spirits worldwide by country 2015

Distilled spirits consumption worldwide in 2015, by leading countries (in liters per capita)

The data displays the global spirits consumption of the 50 countries with the highest per capita consumption in 2015. In that year, people in Thailand consumed 12.71 liters of distilled spirits per capita.

South Korea 32.39
Seychelles 20.18
Russia 19.83
Estonia 15.95
Lithuania 14.99
Belarus 13.71
Bulgaria 12.81
Thailand 12.71
Kyrgyzstan 11.76
Latvia 11.21
Japan 10.52
Slovakia 10.45
China 10.43
Sri Lanka 10.25
Ukraine 9.98
Philippines 9.97
Kazakhstan 9.87
Guyana 8.91
Moldova 8.83
Poland 8.65
Armenia 8.57
Greenland 8.48
Serbia 8.36
United States 8.1
Czech Republic 7.42
Malta 7.21
Montenegro 7.21
Hungary 6.92
France 6.64
Georgia 6.57
Suriname 6.39
Nicaragua 6.24
Brazil 6.21
Germany 6.2
Jamaica 6.04
Romania 5.94
United Kingdom 5.66
Canada 5.65
Belize 5.52
Cyprus 5.49
Chile 5.42
Finland 5.38
Albania 5.26
Ireland 5.11
Spain 4.8
Denmark 4.51
Gabon 4.46
Croatia 4.46
Paraguay 4.39
Netherlands 4.33