Consumer Goods » Alcoholic Beverages » Alcoholic beverages market in Japan | Japan: alcoholic drinks and liquor market size 2016

Alcoholic beverages market value Japan FY 2009-2016

Shipment value of the alcoholic drinks and liquor market in Japan from fiscal year 2009 to 2016 (in trillion Japanese yen)

The data describes the shipment value of the alcoholic drinks and liquor market in Japan from fiscal year 2009 to 2016. In fiscal year 2016, the market value of alcoholic beverages in Japan was estimated to reach approx. 3.57 trillion Japanese yen, down from about 3.77 trillion yen in fiscal year 2009.

2009 3.77
2010 3.71
2011 3.65
2012 3.62
2013 3.63
2014 3.61
2015 3.59
2016 3.57