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Global net revenue of Amazon 2006-2015, by department

Global net revenue of from 2006 to 2015, by department (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The time series shows's net revenue from 2006 to 2015, broken down by product category. In 2015,'s net revenue from electronics and other product sales amounted to 75.6 billion USD. The AWS category generated 7.88 billion USD in sales.

2006 7.07 3.36 0.28
2007 9.24 5.21 0.38
2008 11.08 7.54 0.54
2009 12.77 11.08 0.65
2010 14.89 18.36 0.95
2011 17.78 28.71 1.59
2012 19.94 38.63 2.52
2013 21.72 48.8 3.11 0.83
2014 22.51 60.89 4.64 0.95
2015 22.51 75.6 7.88 1.02