Internet » SEO & Search Engines » Search engines in China | China - distribution of search engine users by duration of usage 2011

Distribution of search engine users in China 2011, by duration of usage

Duration of search engine usage in China in 2011

The data displays the distribution of search engine users in China in 2010 and 2011, sorted by duration of usage. In 2011, 2.5% of the respondents in China said they have only started to use search engines within the last three months.

More than 8 years 26.1 32.33
5 to 8 years 29.3 27.06
3 to 5 years 21.5 17.84
2 to 3 years 7.9 6.24
1 to 2 years 4.5 3.98
7 to 12 months 1.8 1.59
3 to 6 months 1.8 1.27
Within 3 months 2.5 2.86
Never used 0.7 1.39
Not sure 3.8 5.43