Internet » Social Media » Companies and social media in Italy | Personalities & big firms websites using social media in Italy 2015

Italy: personalities and big firms websites using social media 2015, by platform

Share of personalities and big firms websites using social media in Italy in 2015, by platform

The data shows the share of personalities and big firms websites using social media in Italy in 2015, by platform. Social media has come to be an effective channel through which businesses and personalities can create more personal and creative connections with their audience. According to data, 57.2% of the personalities and big firms websites using social media in Italy used Twitter.

Facebook 76.4
YouTube 58.8
Twitter 57.2
Instagram 24.8
Google Plus 22.8
Pinterest 16.4
LinkedIn 9.6
Flickr 4.4
Myspace 1.6
Vimeo 1.6
Tumblr 1.6
Foursquare 1.6