Internet » Social Media » Media and politics in the U.S. | Main reasons news outlets or reporters report made up or fake news in the U.S. 2017

News outlets reasons for reporting made up or fake news in the United States 2017

Out of the news you consider to be made up or fake news, what do you think is the primary reason that news outlets or reporters are reporting it?

The data describes the public opinion on the main reasons for news outlet or reporters to report made up or fake news in the U.S. in 2017. During the survey, 44% of respondents stated that the primary reason for news outlets or reporters to report made up or fake news was to push their own political narrative.

Pushing their own political narrative 44
Wanting to be the first to report something 20
Don`t know/no opinion 16
Trying to advance their careers 11
Making honest mistakes 7
Other 3