Internet » Social Media » Media and politics in the U.S. | Fake news: most popular election stories by Facebook engagement 2016

Fake news election stories in the United States 2016

Most popular fake election stories in the United States in 2016, by Facebook engagement (in thousands)

The data describes the most popular fake election stories in the U.S. in 2016 based on Facebook engagement. The fake news story stating that President Obama had signed a nationwide order banning The Pledge of Allegiance in schools in the U.S. was shared, reacted to, and commented upon a total of 2.2 million times on Facebook in the three months leading up to the election.

Obama signs a nationwide order banning The Pledge of Allegiance in Schools 2200
Obama cut $2.6 billion from programs for veterans to support Syrian refugees in the US 1700
Pope Francis endorses Trump for President 961.3
Ireland is officially accepting Trump refugees from America 817.9
Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS and it was confirmed by WikiLeaks 789.5
Hillary Clinton suggested Trump should run for President 507.2
Trump won the popular vote 481.1
Mike Pence said Michelle Obama is the most vulgar First Lady ever 352.6
Donald Trump mistook famous drag queen RuPaul for a woman and groped him at a party in 1995 301
The Clinton Foundation paid Khizr Khan's law firm $375,000 268.6
Sarah Palin banned Muslims from "entering" her daughter 90.3