Internet » Social Media » Online reviews | Yelp: mobile visitors 2017

Yelp: number of unique mobile visitors 2013-2017

Number of unique mobile visitors to Yelp from 1st quarter 2013 to 4th quarter 2017 (in millions)

The data displays the number of unique mobile visitors to recommendation platform Yelp from 2013 to 2017, per quarter. The local search and review site's mobile visitor numbers have displayed a steady growth, reaching 93.07 million unique mobile visitors in the fourth quarter of 2017. As of the second quarter of 2015, mobile visitors had surpassed desktop audiences.

Q1 '13 40.17
Q2 '13 45.06
Q3 '13 50.46
Q4 '13 52.91
Q1 '14 61.19
Q2 '14 67.89
Q3 '14 73.44
Q4 '14 72.31
Q1 '15 78.96
Q2 '15 82.81
Q3 '15 89.24
Q4 '15 85.87
Q1 '16 89.74
Q2 '16 92.34
Q3 '16 96.94
Q4 '16 89.42
Q1 '17 99.02
Q2 '17 102.09
Q3 '17 103.67
Q4 '17 93.07