Internet » Social Media » Social media and politics in the United States | U.S. adults who believe Trump tweets by political affiliation 2018

U.S. adults who believe Trump's tweets 2018, by political affiliation

Share of adults in the United States who believe what President Trump says in his tweets as of August 2018, by political affiliation

The data describes the share of adults in the U.S. who believe what President Trump says in his tweets as of August 2018, sorted by political affiliation. According to the findings, 68% of respondents who self-identified as Democrats stated that they believed nothing what President Trump tweeted through his Twitter account, while in comparison only 7% of Republicans surveyed reported similarly.

All 6 3 4 14
Most 18 4 18 39
Half 8 6 8 11
Some 15 12 18 15
None 38 68 33 7
Not sure 15 8 20 14