Internet » Social Media » Social media usage in Finland | Finland: Instagram usage, by frequency 2018

Share of Instagram users in Finland 2018, by usage frequency

Do you use Instagram?

The data displays the result of a survey on Instagram usage in Finland in 2018, by frequency. According to the survey, 15% of users stated that they used Instagram several times a day, while 48% of the respondents did not use Instagram at all.

Instagram is a social media platform enabling users to post photos for their followers to see. Instagram offers a range of filters to be applied on photos to enhance their look. The platform also allows users to post video-based stories and real-life videos. Instagram usage in Finland can further be observed by looking at the usage within different age groups as well as the Instagram usage purposes.

Several times a day 15
One to two times a day 11
Three to seven times a week 9
One to two times a week 6
Less than once a week 10
Don't use the service 48