Internet » Social Media » Social media usage in Finland | Finland: Twitter usage, by frequency 2018

Share of Twitter users in Finland 2018, by usage frequency

Do you use Twitter?

The data displays the results of a survey on Twitter usage in Finland in 2018, by frequency. In that year, 63% of respondents stated that they do not use the service. The remaining share used Twitter but with varying frequency. Five% of respondents used Twitter several times a day, while 13% used the tweeting platform less than once a week.

Twitter is a social media platform that is based on users interacting with messages limited to 140 characters. In Finland, Twitter has been mainly used for news and entertainment purposes.

Several times a day 5
One to two times a day 5
Three to seven times a week 7
One to two times a week 6
Less than once a week 13
Don't use the service 63