Internet » Social Media » Social media usage in Finland | Finland: social media usage 2+ h daily by age group 2018

Share of people using social media 2+ h per day in Finland 2018, by age group

Share of people using social media for more than two hours per day in Finland in 2018, by age group

The data displays the result of a survey on the share of people using social media for more than two hours per day in Finland in 2018, by age group. The age group of 15 to 24 years had most individuals that spent over two hours per day on social media (17%). The corresponding figure among respondents aged 65 to 74 was 4%.

15 to 24 years 17
25 to 34 years 13
35 to 44 years 7
45 to 54 years 3
55 to 64 years 5
65 to 74 years 4
Total 8