Internet » Social Media » Social media usage in Finland | Finland: Instagram users by frequency 2016

Share of Instagram users in Finland 2016, by frequency

Share of Instagram users in Finland in 2016, by usage frequency

The data displays the results of a survey on the share of Instagram users in Finland in 2016, by usage frequency. The respondents include only individuals who stated that they used Instagram. In 2016, 50% of the respondents used Instagram daily. 32% of the users stated that they used the service several times a day whereas 18% used Instagram one or two times a day. The remaining 50% used Instagram weekly or less frequently, 21% reporting to use the service one to three times a week and 29% less than once a week.

The survey also found that roughly 70% of Finnish people aged 15 to 74 years did not use Instagram.

Several times a day 32
One or two times a day 18
One to three times a week 21
Less than once a week 29