Society » Family & Friends » Foster care and adoption in the U.S. | Foster care in the U.S. - number of children 2016, by age

Foster care in the United States - number of children 2016, by age

Number of children in foster care in the United States in 2016, by age

The data displays the number of children in foster care in the U.S. in 2016, by age. In 2016, about 26,166 children, aged seventeen year old, were in foster care.

Less than a year 31295
1 36942
2 33034
3 28754
4 25607
5 23190
6 21999
7 21580
8 20957
9 19546
10 18006
11 16858
12 15984
13 17077
14 18831
15 22034
16 24835
17 26166
18 8353
19 2834
20 2129