Society » Family & Friends » Foster care and adoption in the U.S. | Adoption in the U.S. - time until adoption U.S. 2016

Time between termination of parental rights and adoption in the United States fiscal year 2016

Number of children adopted with public agency involvement in the United States in fiscal year 2016, by time between termination of parental rights and adoption

The data displays the distribution of time between the termination of parental rights and adoption in the U.S. in fiscal year 2016. In fiscal year 2016, 19,848 children in the United States were adopted 6 to 11 months after the termination of parental rights.

Less than 1 month 1222
1 to 5 months 16435
6 to 11 months 19848
12 to 17 months 9437
18 to 23 months 4088
24 to 29 months 2167
30 to 35 months 1037
3 to 4 years 1501
5 years or more 541