Society » Family & Friends » Singles | Work status of custodial fathers in the U.S. 2015

Work status of custodial fathers in the United States from 1993-2015

Employment status of custodial fathers in the United States from 1993 to 2015

The data displays the employment status of American single fathers who have taken custody of their own children between 1993 and 2015. In 2015, about 68.2% of custodial fathers in the United States did work full-time, year-round.

1993 70.2 20.5 9.3
1995 71.1 19 9.9
1997 76.9 16.9 6.2
1999 75.4 15.9 8.7
2001 71.7 19.6 8.7
2003 70.6 19.2 10.2
2005 73.7 18.4 7.9
2007 71.7 18.5 9.8
2009 60.7 24.3 15
2011 65.9 19.7 14.4
2013 67.4 20.6 12
2015 68.2 18.4 13.4