Society » Personality & Behavior » Hate crime in the UK | Racist offences without injury in Northern Ireland 2004-2017

Violent racist offences without injury in Northern Ireland, 2004-2017

Number of racist offences which included violence but did not result in injury in Northern Ireland from 2004 to 2017

The data displays the number of racist offences which included violence but did not result in injury in Northern Ireland from 2004 to 2017. After an initial period of fluctuation, during which two minor peaks were recorded in 2005/2006 and 2009/2010, figures abruptly rose in 2013/2014. This trend continued in 2015/2016, reaching a total of 326 offences that year.

'04-'05 148
'05-'06 165
'06-'07 132
'07-'08 140
'08-'09 150
'09-'10 178
'10-'11 132
'11-'12 128
'12-'13 132
'13-'14 236
'14-'15 310
'15-'16 326
'16-'17 232