Society » Personality & Behavior » Millennials in the U.S. | Top 5 reasons why women in their early 30s left work in companies U.S. 2016

Five most common reasons for women in their thirties to leave company U.S. 2016

Top five reasons for millennial women in their early thirties to leave positions in companies in the United States in 2016

The data displays the top five reasons why millennial women in their early thirties decided to leave their positions in companies across the U.S. in 2016. In 2016, 65% of respondents stated the primary reason for leaving a company was finding a higher paying job elsewhere.

Found a better paid job elsewhere 65
Not enough opportunity for learning and development 62
Work was not interesting and meaningful enough 56
Unfair balance between invested hard work and compensation received 56
Wanting to focus on starting a family 54