Society » Personality & Behavior » Pets | United States - amount of money spent on pets per year

Amount of money spent on pets per year in the United States as of 2015, by reason

How much money do you spend on your pets per year, and how? (in USD)

The data displays the results of a survey among American pet owners on the amount of money they estimate to spend per annum on their pet. The survey was conducted in 2015, and is sorted by type of purchase/reason for spending money. The estimated amount spent on food treats for pets thus adds up to an estimated mean amount of approx. 477 USD per year.

Total 1191.9
Food treats 476.6
Medical costs (.e.g vet appointments, medications, procedures) 425.7
Pet sitting/ boarding 128.5
Other equipment (e.g. habitats, collars. litter) 97.4
Toys 63.7