Media & Entertainment » Advertising & Marketing » Automotive Advertising | U.S. ad spend per vehicle sold - selected car brands 2017

Ad spend per vehicle sold of selected car brands in the United States 2017

Advertising spending per vehicle sold of selected automobile brands in the United States in 2017 (in USD)

The data displays U.S. advertising spending per vehicle sold by the five biggest and the five smallest advertisers among automobile brands in 2017. The source found that Fiat Chrysler spent an average of 40 USD on advertising per each Fiat vehicle sold.

Alfa Romeo (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) 8577
Lincoln (Ford Motors Co.) 2511
Genesis (Hyundai Motor co.) 1590
Volkswagen (Volkswagen) 1221
Jaguar (Tata Motors) 1207
Dodge (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) 267
Honda (Honda Motor Co.) 260
Porsche (Volkswagen) 161
Fiat (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) 40
Tesla (Tesla Motors) 0
Toyota (Toyota Motor Co.)
Cadillac (General Motors Co.)